Looks cool, sounds familiar...
I liked it! It is a slick, cool looking piece! Your graphics are really wicked, and I like that!
Very surreal story I must admit, but I get the cotext of it! Yeah, I like this!!
Looks cool, sounds familiar...
I liked it! It is a slick, cool looking piece! Your graphics are really wicked, and I like that!
Very surreal story I must admit, but I get the cotext of it! Yeah, I like this!!
This WAS showing promise...
... until it unexpectedly finished.
The graphics could be better. Your sound is ok, but an obvious rip-off, and your ending totally sucked.
Makie it longer, clean it up a whole lot and you'd have a great flash.
Well i guess its okay for a second flash but well, i did this in one day, i dint put a lot of time or effort on this
Oh great...
Another Stick figure series...
Just what Newgrounds needs....
For 1: Don't simply rip off Pulp Fiction as your audio. Spend time on your own audio.
For 2: Apend time on creating some good looking graphics. Do you KNOW how much shitty stick figure crap is already out there? From the trailer, your series will be blammed...
For 3: you really need to work on the opening shot. All it shows is a stil for like 5 minutes, then a badly designed link to another crappy drawn video.
Your viewers would've switched off by then!
Good luck however!
Your third point is valid. I know what you mean. As for the other two, almost all of the audio was just a song that happened to be in Pulp Fiction. Should we compose our own music for each animation we make? Also, if the trailer didn't get blammed, why would the series? Lastly, this animation is better animated than your one submission.
Thank you for your time.
If you (clearly) have the patience to sit there and animate a claymation flash such as this one, why don't you have the patience to site and write one worth watching?
The animation is smooth and fairly well done, however, I think you could be doing with making a film that is more interesting that a blue clay guy hitting a punchbag...
Please don't get me wrong, the WORK is great, but the CONTENT is lacking somewhat I feel...
Try again!!!
Then why don't you write me a script. (by the way i'm serious)
To be honest...
To be honest, your sprites are really badly done... For example, the michael Jackson moonwalk has lots of extra pixels which show up during the animation (Around the border). Sonic has lots of extra pixels where it should be green and the other sprite figures are poorly done.
May I suggest cleaning up each of the sprite animations and reanimating them again? It would be better than the low-quality ones you are using at the moment.
Also, this movie has no point. OK, so sonic runs, MJ dances and Link attacks, but so what? Please come up with an actual story for avideo before you make it!
I'm sorry if I seem really negative in this review... On the up side, at least I don't want to kill you! ;) LOL!
You really have got the knack for taking the piss out of the sprite games flashes that haunt this site daily!! I like it!! U get a 4!!
Taking the piss?
Love hurts!
I liked this, and considering it's a school project, it is very vell done!
It goes to show that there is only so much a guy can take before he loses it, and that a woman knows how to push all the right buttons to get to a guy!
Well done!
The same thing happened to our milkman...
This is very sick and twisted, and extremely gory!I do like this though, and I think the song is really pretty cool! Is it available as an MP3 anywhere?
You should probably go and see a specialist to get your head examined, as I don't think a normal well adjusted human being can come up with this stuff!! LOL!
You seriously...
...are twisted...
But I like your style!
Age 44, Male
VT Assistant
Glasgow, Scotland
Joined on 6/14/06