I actually kinda enjoyed this! You mixed oriental with heavy rock and it blended together quite well! Well done!
I actually kinda enjoyed this! You mixed oriental with heavy rock and it blended together quite well! Well done!
Thought this was going to be silly, but...
it's actually quite a haunting little tune.
If it was longer then you could maybe explore more variations with it, but seeing as it is only a minute long I think it works ok.
Also, a better description wouldn't hurt either. :d
Hahah, thanks, yeah, i just hate having to work out titles, so i just called it something idiotic, I'm gonna work on it and see if i can make it into a full song.
If you want some more info on it: I made it in FL studio 9, It's in Am pentatonic, i sat for like 3 hours with my guitar and fl trying to come up with something good, then i accidentally made this.
Reasoner ROCKS!!!
It seems that no matter what you release, you push the boundries and create wonderful peaceful and tranquil music.
I seriously think if you'd been making music a hundred years ago then you'd be regarded as one of the classics.
You could be the equivalent of today's Beethoven! Keep it up! Never stop!
An overplayed song brought a new leash of life! !!
This tune is soo over played, however I was VERY surprised to hear this version! I think you have done an AWESOME remix here, and I for one want to pump this out of my car stereo on the way to work on Monday!!
I like the old style "Silent Movie" feel!
This is comic, silent movie-esq and really well done!
In fact I want to use this for a youtube video I am making! Will that be OK?
I have sent you an IM with more details...
Keep up the good work!
Beautiful song! Really catures the Scottish feel!
This is a really nice song! You should seriously submit it to some scottish sites and see if they would use it! You can easily use this in a documentary!
SOMEONE make a flash outta this!!!
Any chance of posting the lyrics?
thanx a lot for your words.
i have discussed it lot, but since we are german, and not scottish, i think these would feel a bit bad, if again somebody of abroad would tell them what to do, so we would not release this song in scotland til now. BUT: if the scottish think, this would be a good idea they can have our thoughts and our song: i love them.
You want the lyrics? Here they are:
Walking along the grass,
pink flowers where i pass.
Here it was: Smell of blood lays in the wind.
Stones marked with heroe´s names:
McLeod and MacKay.
Sons of extenguished flames: Hope of today.
Refrain: Heroes of (the) North-Folk-Land.
Highland of brave old clans
Heroes of (the) North-Folk-Land by the rivers.
The story happened long ago
when Bonnie Prince Charly´s boat
landet for his last attempt to regain the thrown.
The strongest men stood in line
(because) mistreated all the time.
deep(ly) buried in their hearts: THoughts of freedom.
Refrain: Heroes....
Glenfinnan: Revolt of clans
Derby: Point of return
Culloden: means the end... fly to the (isle of) Skye
Flora (MacDonald) true scottish girl
not very unusual,
lent her helping hand, when fortune sailed.
(Flora M. helped hiding Prince Charly, and from the isle of
Skye Prince C. could flee on a ship called "Fortune" back to
Merci for what we´ve lost:
Brave men from coast to coast
Sons of a victim-land, (but) bold til they died.
Here I stand, take my hand
Let us switch on the flames on the old names!
Refrain: Heroes...
Wonderful! Can I use this track please?
Wow! What can I say? I love this track!!
I've downloaded it, and probably listened to it about 20 times already!
This is a beautiful track, 10/10!
I've actually sent you an email to ask if you'd mind me using this track in a video I'm making for the web? (I sent a PM with more details...)
Hope you keep up the good work!
Thought this sounded like a Doom track when...
...I first heard it! It sounds like this has been ripped straight from Doom and re-sampled, rather than doing anything original. If you want Doom music, this is just the same...
Age 44, Male
VT Assistant
Glasgow, Scotland
Joined on 6/14/06